The following Board of Trustees positions are open.
Suggested Length of back to back Greysheet Abstinence 3 Years
Suggested Length of Service Commitment 2 Years
- The Chairperson is not a GSR
- Abides by the specific guidelines for the GSA Phone Bridge
Intergroup Chairperson approved by the GSA Phone Bridge Intergroup - Presides over quarterly open GSA Phone Bridge Intergroup Meeting according to the established agenda using the adapted Roberts’ Rules of Order adopted by the GSA Phone Bridge Intergroup Robert’s Rules of Order Website
- Attends quarterly GSA PB Board of Trustee meetings
- May serve as the Delegate for the GSA Phone Bridge Intergroup for
the GSA World Service Conference - May also serve as ISR (Intergroup Service Representative)
Suggested Length of back to back Greysheet Abstinence 2 Years
Suggested Length of Service Commitment 2 Years
- Receives donations
- Copies checks and deposits money in the bank account
- Acknowledges each donation with a call, postcard, or e-mail
- Double-checks monthly donation reports against the records
- Attends quarterly open GSA PB Intergroup meetings
- Attends quarterly GSA PB Board of Trustees meetings
Suggested Length of back to back Greysheet Abstinence 2 Years
Suggested Length of Service Commitment 2 Years
- Attends quarterly open GSA Phone Bridge Intergroup meetings and takes the minutes
- Provides minutes to be maintained in the archive on the PB website
- Attends quarterly GSA PB Board of Trustees meetings
If interested in serving please contact the Phone Bridge Trustees at