Intergroup meeting phone number: 712-432-5229, passcode 4320188#
Open with the “We” version of the Serenity Prayer and reading of the 12 Traditions.
Carrying group’s vote___________
Meeting attendees identify themselves and give their service position: Trustee, GSR, listener, or person who is carrying their group’s vote.
Motion to accept the Treasurer’s reports as posted on the website.
Motion to accept the minutes from the previous IG Meeting as posted.
- Formats are being updated. Once they are posted to our website, you will receive a notification via email if you are signed up for News and Updates. We will also make the announcement on as many phone bridge meetings as we can so folks are aware that the new formats are available and should be used
- Only ISRs may order GreySheets however, the PB IG does not currently have an ISR. 2022 GreySheets are available via geographically local Intergroups. Individual qualified GS sponsors may request from their local IG (e.g. sponsors in MA or CT could request from Northeast IG). The link to the list of Intergroups and their contacts is on our website.
- Phone Bridge IG needs an ISR (Intergroup Service Representative) to represent the PB IG as a whole at World Service Conference. ISR can distribute 2022 GreySheets to sponsors in the IG. Requires 3 years abstinence, 2-year term, experience with GS PB service.
- Renewed heckler problems but not nearly as bad as a year ago because of recruitment and training of dashboard monitors. At this point we have most meetings covered but would like to get more monitors up and going so current monitors do not have to take on so many meetings. If you know anyone with 1 year of back-to-back GS abstinence who is interested, it does not take long to train and if you can even do one meeting a week, that is helpful.
Old Business
- Rotation of service: VOLUNTEERING for an open position should ALWAYS be voted in, not simply accepted. This is important– to ensure people have a chance to voice any objections.
- Treasurers must have at least 9 months of abstinence; GSers must have at least a year.
- GSR Training: Is being provided by GSAWS, however, GSRs could use more training specific to the Phone Bridge. (GSR Guide and Toolkit on DropBox)
- Adding reference to Start Up Sponsors on Beginner’s meeting format (SUS only for people who are brand new to GS and have not been able to find a sponsor) this has been approved by WS to add to the Beginner’s format: If you are new to GreySheet and have not been able to find a sponsor, you may go to the World Service website, and click on Contact.
New Business
- Requirements for GSR position. What would make the position easier so that more members volunteer for the position and more groups are represented?
- Helping newcomers get a sponsor: Adding a sentence in the sponsors’ section of the formats asking if there is anyone who can start someone off. (phrase to be added is highlighted in yellow below)
Through sponsorship, we carry the message to others. Are there any qualified GreySheet sponsors on the line? Qualified GreySheet sponsors have at least 90 days of back-to-back GreySheet abstinence – eating only 3 weighed and measured meals a day only from foods listed on the GreySheet, without exception. If you can be a permanent sponsor or can start someone off, please state your name and phone number slowly.
- More effort to address hecklers? A Disruption Policy in addition to the Safety Statement?
- Wording added to format to discourage PB members from addressing hecklers?
If you have additional new business, please e-mail us at at least one week PRIOR to the IG meeting with any new items you would like to discuss at the IG level. Only items that affect the Phone Bridge are discussed at the IG level.
The next Intergroup meeting is scheduled for Sunday, May 7, 2023 at 3:00 PM.
Close with the Responsibility Pledge & the “We” version of the Serenity Prayer.
Responsibility Pledge “When anyone, anywhere, realizes they have a problem with food, I want them to think of the GreySheet solution. For that, I am responsible.”
Serenity Prayer