There are many opportunities to give service in our meetings. If you are new, we are glad to have you help by reading portions of the format (click “Formats” link on the left), by timing, and by sharing during the meeting.
If you have ninety days of abstinence, there are meetings that need secretary/leaders. Those meetings that need leaders are highlighted in lavender, on the calendar. To read more about what it means to be a secretary/leader click the link on “Service Descriptions” to the left.
If you have one year of GreySheet back-to-back abstinence, there are meetings that need General Service Representatives (GSR). Those meetings are highlighted in green, on the calendar. To read more about what it means to be a GSR click the link on “Service Descriptions” to the left.
And the meetings that need both a leader and a GSR are highlighted in yellow.
Service is Slimming!