GSA Phone Bridge Intergroup Service Manual Committee Minutes – June 25, 2016
7:30 – 8:30 am EDT
712-432-5229; 4320188#
“This we owe to GSA’s future; to place our common welfare first, to keep our Fellowship united. For on GSA unity depend our lives, and the lives to come.”
- Opened at 7:30 am EDT with Declaration of Unity Prayer, Serenity Prayer, and the reading of the 12 Traditions
- GSRs present: 9; Trustees present: 4’ Listeners present: 6
- First topic discussed:
- Who will participate at what level? Proposed approach:
- All are welcome to listen.
- 1 Year of B to B abstinence to share in initial discussions.
- 3 Years of B to B abstinence to actually write.
- Once documents are in draft form they will be posted so that all members who are interested can view and submit comments
- Who will participate at what level? Proposed approach:
Proposal Agreed: 15; Proposal Opposed: 4
Motion made and seconded by majority opinion to hear minority opinion speak again.
Question posed by minority opinion speaker, Is this meeting valid, or was notice not early enough?
Legitimate: 14; Not Legitimate: 3
Proposal amended to all people with 90 days B to B abstinence share in discussions, but not to vote.
Amended Proposal Agreed: 10; Amended Proposal Opposed: 6
- Approved Participation in Service Manual Committee Meetings:
- All are welcome to listen.
- 90 days of B to B abstinence to share in preliminary discussions.
- 1 year of B to B abstinence to vote on proposals.
- 3 Years of B to B abstinence to actually write.
- Once documents are produced in draft form they will be posted so that all members who are interested can view and submit comments
- Next committee meeting will be:
Friday, July 1, 2016 at 6:30 AM EDT and topics are listed below.
Topics will continue:
- How often will we meet and when? Proposed approach:
- Initially every other week, then as needed.
- Difficulty is finding time that suits all faiths and time zones J
- How will we communicate between meetings? Proposed approach:
- Primary suggestion is Google Docs and e-mail for those participating in discussions and writing.
- What topics will we be covering? Proposed approach:
- To be determined (service positions, service entities, service needs, service experience that has worked effectively, anecdotes and illustrations)
- Closed with the “I am responsible…” prayer and the “WE” version of the Serenity Prayer at 8:45 am
“I am responsible…when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help. I want the hand of GSA always to be there. And for that; I am responsible.”
Note: at this initial meeting ALL participants were allowed to vote. At all future meetings, only participants with 1 year of Back to Back abstinence will be allowed to vote.
Note: Reading Level Grade 6.4