Formats Updated July 2023
Format changes include:
-The Preamble now reads: “GreySheeters Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other….”
-Updated 7th Tradition announcement. Personal contact information for our Assistant Treasurer has been removed, and we are now directed to go to our website to make donations via check or PayPal.
-Under Phone Meeting Guidelines, request to mute using your phone keypad rather than the muting button on your phone; reminder that only that Leader addresses disruptions, everyone else should stay muted.
-Sponsors section changed to refer to both permanent and temporary sponsors.
Below you can find all of our meeting formats. The Downloads are in PDF format; you can Download the free PDF viewer here.
- 50 and Over Women’s Qualification (Download)
- A.A. 12 & 12 Meeting Format (Download)
- AA & GSA Literature Format (Download)
- As Bill Sees It Meeting Format (Download)
- Beginner’s Meeting Format (Download)
- Big Book Meeting Format (Download)
- Business Meeting (Group Conscience)Format (September 2023)(Download)
- Daily Reflections Meeting Format (Download)
- Face-to-Face Hybrid Meeting Format (January 2025)(Download)
- GS Without Exception Meeting Format (Download)
- Living Abstinent Meeting Format (Download)
- Marathon Format (Download)
- NMW (No Matter What) Meeting Format (Download)
- Qualification Meeting Format (Download)
- Relapse/Recovery Meeting 9am 2pm 8pm 12am Format (Download)
- Rotating Literature Meeting Format (Download)
- Slogans Meeting (Download)
- Tools Meeting Format [Saturday 5:30 am] (Download)