GSA Phone Bridge Intergroup Meeting Minutes
July 12, 2020
3-4 pm EST
Download Printable Copy: GSA Phone Bridge Intergroup Meeting Minutes July 2020
“This we owe to GSA’s future; to place our common welfare first, to keep our Fellowship united. For on GSA unity depend our lives, and the lives of those to come.”
Opened at 3pm with the Unity Pledge, the “We” version of the Serenity Prayer and reading of the 12 Traditions.
Attendance: GSRs – 9, Trustees – 3, and Listeners – 2
Motion made, seconded, and passed to accept the Treasurer’s reports as posted on the website.
Motion made, seconded, and passed accept the minutes from the previous IG Meeting as posted.
Brief Announcements:
1. CORRECTION: the 2020 WSC is postponed to 2021 primarily because the WSC committees want to take more time to work on the proposed motions so that the fellowship’s time and money is well spent.
2. INFORMATION: It was brought to the attention of the phone bridge trustees, that the chair’s handling of a disruptive situation on the phone bridge around 6 months ago was not in alignment with our safety policy. We have corrected the situation and the chair apologizes.
· Chair Read the Safety Policy as it is posted on the website
3. INFORMATION: The trustees are currently looking to fill three positions on our Board. One trustee at large, a trustee to fill the marathon liaison position, and a person willing to become the Chairperson in 2021. For more information contact the trustees at:
Old Business tabled until the next Intergroup Meeting:
1. Amending the 7th Tradition announcement section of the formats to provide more information about how we use our funds and how to contribute (present 1 month ahead of time to groups to discuss).
2. Motion from the Phone Bridge Intergroup to the WSC of using video conferencing for our WSC.
3. Talking about adding a page to our website on the history of the phone bridge intergroup.
4. Announcing the GS Daily Reflections workshops.
5. We need to consider our use of AA’s Unity Statement and Responsibility Pledge. GSA has crafted a Responsibility statement. When that has been approved, we can simply begin using that. The Unity Statement is part of AA, and we have not (nor has GSA) requested to use it. Is this something the phone bridge would like to continue to use and how would we like to go about getting the appropriate approval?
New Business:
Motion made, seconded, and passed: to re-start two Relapse/Recovery meetings at 12am ET (Monday and Friday). We will wait to post them on the website until we hear back from the meeting after a 3 month trial.
Motion made, seconded, and passed: to hold the next Intergroup meeting at the same time (3pm EDT) and re-evaluate about returning to 5pm. If you have additional new business please e-mail us at with any new items you would like to discuss at the IG level. Only items that affect the phone bridge are discussed at the IG level.
The next Intergroup meeting is scheduled for October 11, 2020 at 3pm.
Closed at 4:06 pm with the Responsibility Pledge & the “We” version of the Serenity Prayer.
“I am responsible…when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help I want the hand of GSA always to be there. And for that – I am responsible.