GSA Phone Bridge Intergroup Meeting Minutes
July 10, 2022
3-4 pm EST
The meeting opened at 3 PM by Cathy B., with the “We” version of the Serenity Prayer and reading of the 12 Traditions.
GSRs: 5
Trustees: 3
Listeners: 4
Motion to accept the April 2022 Treasurer’s report as posted on the website. Motion was made, seconded, and passed.
Motion to accept the minutes from the April PB IG meeting as posted on the website. Motion was made, seconded, and passed.
New Business:
- Cathy B. discussed the “GSA Phone Bridge Statement of Safety” that was implemented in 2017. Our discussion was brought about by recent events that needed to be addressed because of people feeling threatened in meetings. It was decided for all of us to announce at meetings to ‘be aware of the Safety Statement (available on our website) and the steps published to be taken to be able to handle disturbances’.
- Lynn, the GSR from the Relapse and Recovery meetings, brought up for discussion the eventual addition of more 12:00 Midnight meetings. More people are showing up for service to make this possible. The Sunday night meeting is operating presently. Lynn believes it will have enough support going forward for the IG to vote that it be added to the meeting schedule at the October IG meeting.
- We discussed if there is a need for Phone Bridge Meeting Groups to maintain individual meeting Prudent Reserves. Cathy pointed out that individual meetings at one time thought it necessary to have reserves to protect the availability of meetings- this is now an Intergroup responsibility. When asked about individual groups needing money to send GSRs to the World Service Conference, Cathy reported that this was also in the PB IG Spending Plan. Because at this time these expenses are covered by the PB IG it was decided that we can all take back to our meetings that it is no longer necessary to keep individual meeting Prudent Reserves. It is also noted that, of course, all Meetings are Autonomous.
- Format announcements for the Marathon, Beginner Meetings, and the Relapse and Recovery Meetings will be discussed at the October PB IG Meeting.
Old Business:
Moderator Liaison position: Phyllis is stepping down after 3 years of service. Thank you Phyllis! We will need a new Moderator Liaison after the Labor Day Marathon.
If you have any additional new business, please email us at least a week before the IG meeting with any new items you would like to discuss.
The next Intergroup meeting is scheduled for Sunday, October 22, 2022, at 3:00 pm EST.
Close with the Responsibility Pledge & the “We” version of the Serenity Prayer.
Responsibility Pledge
“When anyone, anywhere, realizes they have a problem with food, I want them to think of the GreySheet solution. For that, I am responsible.”
Serenity Prayer
Respectfully Submitted,
Kris W.
Secretary PBIG