GSA Phone Bridge Intergroup Meeting Minutes
January 12, 2020
5-6pm EST
“This we owe to GSA’s future; to place our common welfare first, to keep our Fellowship united. For on GSA unity depend our lives, and the lives of those to come.”
The meeting opened at 5:00pm with the Unity Pledge, Serenity Prayer and reading of the 12 Traditions.
In Attendance:
1 GSAWS Board Liaison
8 GSRs
5 Phone Bridge Board Members
4 Listeners
Motion made, seconded, and passed to accept the Treasurer’s reports as described.
Motion made, seconded, and passed to accept the minutes from the previous IG Meeting as described.
Motion made, seconded, and passed to accept the proposed 2020 Budget.
Motion made, seconded, and passed for the Phone Bridge to link our website to the so our meetings are listed on both sites. We will continue to be responsible for updates, and the WS website will automatically update with any changes we make.
Our ISR gave a brief report on the WSC and reported that the GSAWS Board will be producing a longer version.
The consensus is that we need to increase our contributions for our own operating budget. Most felt we need to increase our support for the World Service Board, too. There was a request to generate a simple announcement to encourage increased giving.
If you have additional new business please e-mail us at with any new items you would like to discuss at the IG level. Only items that affect the phone bridge are discussed at the IG level.
DRAFT: DONATION ANNOUNCEMENT: The Intergroup has two financial needs. We are behind (by $600) on our operating budget donations year-to-date. And, we voted to increase our contribution to the work of GreySheeters’ Anonymous World Service. We suggest a $1-$2/month donation from each member to support both. Contributions can be made to your meeting treasurer, to the Phone bridge receiving treasurer Linda L., or via PayPal at
The next Intergroup meeting will be April 19, 2020 (because of the Easter Marathon).
Possible Topic: Amending the announcement section of the formats (I don’t recall why)
The meeting closed at 5:59 pm with the Responsibility Pledge & the “We” version of the Serenity Prayer.
“I am responsible…when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help I want the hand of GSA always to be there. And for that – I am responsible.”