Approval of July Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Committee Reports
Old Business: Leaderless meetings and motions for actions to take to strengthen them (see Minutes for suggestions)
New Business: request for money from Phone Bridge Intergroup to send GSRs to the World Service Conference (requested by Monday 7A Meeting.)
5:04 MEETING OPENS with Unity Prayer and Serenity Prayer
Reggie J. leads.
Twelve Traditions read
Denise, GSR Sat 5:40A
Rosalie, Thurs 7AM
Michelle from Indiana, visiting
Stephanie, Weds 530A
Nan in LA, Thurs 10A
Amy in Bklyn, Tues 7A
Jill, Tues 530A
Joy in TN, Tues 6P F2F/Treasurer
Robin, Mon 530A
Myndie, Mon 7A
Kathleen, Trustee
Jayne, Sat 9A
Sandy in Indiana, Weds 9P
Constance in Berkeley, CA, visitor
Ann in WA, Thurs 530A
Motion approved to accept minutes as written.
Traditions Meeting, 4:00-4:45
September 14, 2014, 5:00 PM
Balance, July 31, 2014, $3,532.60
No expenses. Deposits, including 2 PayPal contributions $204.25.
$40 needed to re-up on Post Office Box
Motion approved to accept Treasurer’s Report.
Motion approved to spend $40 to re-up Post Office Box.
We now have on our website a “Change Request” form that allows meeting representatives to submit changes to their meeting formats to the Phone Bridge Intergroup Website Committee. We now have the ability to keep track of individual formats. The Change Request is under “Meetings.”
Motion approved to accept Web Committee report.
no report.
Motion accepted to encourage meetings to vote on changing their format so that the Seventh Tradition language reads as follows:
“If you wish to make a donation to Phone Bridge Intergroup, you can donate via PayPal ( intergroup-donations) or via check made payable to: GSA Phone Bridge Intergroup, and mailed to: GSA Phone Bridge Intergroup, PO Box 64, Jonesborough, TN 37659. Any questions, can be addressed to our current receiving treasurer, Joy in Tennessee. Her number is 423-741-7723.”
Motion accepted to shift agenda items and discuss whether to help send Mon 7A GSR to Chicago.
Motion accepted to provide $199 to help send Mon 7A GSR to Chicago for GSA World Service Conference.
OLD BUSINESS: Suggestions on what to do to help leaderless meetings tabled to September.
MEETING ENDS: approximately 6:35 PM.
Telephone number: 712-432-5229, Access code: 432-0188#
In love and service,
Amy H.
The following Sunday, the Board of Trustees metThe following Sunday, PBThe Board of Trustees met to discuss how to implement the motion so that it would be in accordance with the Bylaws. See text below
Hi GSRs and Trusted Servants.
The end of the month is approaching, and that means monthly business meetings are upon us. The Phone Bridge Intergroup Board of Trustees need each group’s consideration and vote on whether to allow the Trustees to spend $600 to provide stipends to registered Phone Bridge GSRs who are attending the GSA World Service Conference next month in Chicago.
The full language of the motion is below. GSRs are requested to bring their group’s decision to the next Intergroup Meeting, Sunday, September 14th, 5:00 PM.
In service,
Amy H.
Co-Secretary, Phone Bridge Intergroup
Tues 7AM GSR
The GSA Phone Bridge Trustees recommend that Phone Bridge Intergroup inform its Group Service Representatives that $600 total is available to provide stipends for GSRs attending the September 2014 World Service Conference (see detailed budget information below). Each registered GSA Phone Bridge Meeting is eligible for a portion of that money to send their registered GSR to represent their group at the WSC. All stipends will be issued after the conference occurs, with each attending GSR submitting paid invoices by October 31, 2014 (either to PBI’s PO Box or to PBI’s recording treasurer, Alice in GA) totaling at least the amount of the stipend issued (with an upper limit of $100).
This $600 expenditure needs to be brought to the Phone Bridge groups for approval during their August or September business meetings, as per Phone Bridge Intergroup’s bylaws requiring such approval for any expenditure greater than $200.
2014 Detailed
Beginning Balance
$ 712.50
$ 568.00
Expected Contributions
$ 142.50
Average of YTD
Unpaid Expenses
$ 360.00
Approved by IG: Website, PO Box, MI Renewal
Next Year ($1,500 operating; $1,000 External CPA Review)
Expected Expenses
$ 200.00
Based on YTD expenses
Available Balance
$ 615.10
We will be collecting the tally of votes at this Sunday’s IG Meeting, Sept 14th @ 5PM