GSA Phone Bridge Intergroup Meeting Minutes
April 11, 2021
3-4 pm EST
Download Printable Copy of minutes: GS Phone Bridge Intergroup Meeting Minutes 4-11-21
The meeting opened with the Unity Pledge and the “We” version of the Serenity Prayer and 12 Traditions were read.
GSRs: 8 in attendance
ISR: 1
Trustees: 4 in attendance
Listeners: 3 in attendance
Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made and passed.
Motion to accept the minutes from the January 2021 IG Meeting was made and passed.
Announcements Made:
- The Phone Bridge Trustees are currently looking to fill two positions on our Board: Chairperson and Secretary. Descriptions of the positions are posted on the website.
- The 2021 World Service Conference will be held virtually via Zoom on Sunday, October 17, 2021. It is a 5.5 hour-long conference. Registration deadline was March 15th and now closed.
- Description of Phone Bridge ISR position has been added to the Phone Bridge website.
- Kathleen H. announced that AA requested the PB no longer use their version of the Unity Pledge and asked GSR’s if they would like to adopt GSAWS’s version or just not use one (the current unity pledge appears on the Intergroup Business meeting agenda and minutes). Kathleen offered her phone number for anyone who would like further clarification.
Old Business that was discussed:
- GSRs will ask their homegroups if they would like to add a page to the website describing the history of the Phone Bridge Intergroup. It was explained that that the groups are not required to do anything, just to approve having this information added to the website. Trustees will put together the information and add it to the website, if groups agree they want it. GSRs will report back at the next Intergroup meeting in July.
- It was decided that the GSRs and Trustees would have another meeting on Sunday, May 16th , at 3:00pm to discuss the upcoming Motions and business to be conducted at the World Service Conference.
- It was determined that the GS Daily Reflections projects is currently on hold.
- GS World Service has recently adopted the following Responsibility Pledge to replace the former pledge: “When anyone, anywhere, realizes they have a problem with food I want them to think of the GreySheet solution, for that I am responsible.” AA had requested that we no longer use the previous pledge. There was a motion made and passed for the GSR’s to ask their homegroups if they would like the Phone Bridge Intergroup to use the newly adopted GSA Responsibility Pledge in place of the previous pledge. Alternative is to simply not include it at all— The Pledge itself is not up for a vote; GSRs will simply ask their groups if groups want to include it or not. GSRs will check with groups and report back at the July 11th Intergroup meeting.
- New Business: none.
GSRs were informed that if they had additional new business, please e-mail us at with any new items you would like to discuss at the IG level. Only items that affect the phone bridge are discussed at the IG level.
The next Intergroup meeting is scheduled for July 11, 2021 at 3:00 pm.
The meeting closed at 4:11pm with the Serenity Prayer.