The meeting began at 3:00 pm with the “We” version of the Serenity Prayer and the reading of the 12 Traditions.
In attendance: 1 Phone Bridge Trustee, 1 Phone Bridge Intergroup Service Representative (ISR), 4 Phone Bridge GSRs who will be attending the WSC, and 1 GSR who will not be attending the WSC.
After generally clarifying the structure of the resolutions and how to inform our groups, the GSRs voted to schedule 4 Informational Meetings for any Phone Bridge member who wants more understanding of the Resolutions that will be voted on at the World Service Conference in October.
UPDATE: Final draft of the motions/resolutions will be due August 15, 2021.
The meetings will be 3-4 pm on the Third Sunday of the Month on the Phone Bridge line, and Intergroup Pin:
June 20, 2021
July 18, 2021
August 15, 2021
September 19, 2021
Additionally, if members want to give specific feedback and would like
somewhere to do that, they can reach out to the Phone Bridge ISR