Intergroup Minutes May 15, 2016 (downloadable)
May 15, 2016
5-6pm EST
712-432-5229; 4320188#
“This we owe to GSA’s future; to place our common welfare first, to keep our Fellowship united. For on GSA unity depend our lives, and the lives of those to come.”
Meeting was held May 15, 2016 and began at 5:00 PM EDT. Opened with the Unity Pledge, Serenity Prayer and reading of the 12 Traditions.
In Attendance:
11 GSRs & Officers
3 PBIG Trustees
11 Attenders
Treasurer’s Report:
Beginning Balance: | $3,836.34 | ||
Bank: | $3,803.01 | ||
PayPal: | $33.33 | ||
Monthly Contributions: | $30.00 | ||
Bank: | $- | ||
PayPal | $30.00 | ||
Monthly Expenses: | $- | ||
PayPal Fee | $0.96 | ||
Ending Balance: | $3,865.38 | ||
Bank: | $3,803.01 | ||
PayPal: | $62.37 |
Motion made, seconded, and passed to accept the Treasurer’s Report as Posted on the Website.
Informational Meeting (extended notes):
- Purpose of Groups –Read GreySheet Group Purpose. To share experience, strength and hope to support the newcomer and members in GreySheet abstinence.
- Purpose of Phone Bridge Intergroup
- To support the phone bridge groups in their primary purpose (website, service descriptions, automated response to newcomer inquiry for # and pin, as well as a follow-up call if the newcomer requested it)
- discuss specific topics that affect groups as a whole (e.g., leaderless meetings, etc.)
- and to help represent the phone bridge meetings to any form of World Service Conference
- ISR – in July the PBIG voted to wait on the ISR position – in 2013 WSC consisted primarily of GSRs. It was stated by two GSAWS board of trustees members that at least for the foreseeable future the WSC will be meeting GSRs until the fellowship is large enough to sustain a reasonable number of IGs.
- instead we would provide partial financial support as budget permitted for GSRs depending on the number attending – e.g., in 2014 supported GSRs up to $100/group)
- Role of GSR – To run group monthly business meetings to support their group in fulfilling their primary purpose, approve the IG’s budget per their group’s approval, accept monthly financial reports, vote on policies and procedures/service manual?, attend weekly group meeting regularly?
- Role of IG Officers (at least Chair and Secretary)
- Chair runs the IG meeting (monthly, quarterly, other?)
- Secretary keeps an accurate list of GSRs and meetings (primarily to distribute upcoming agendas and approved minutes)
- Secretary provides official minutes of approved motions and attendance (forward to website committee chair to be posted on the website after IG approval)
- Suggested that Chair also attend quarterly PB Trustee meetings
- Role of PBIG Trustees – Meet quarterly to review business finances, create budget for GSR approval, create simple service manual for GSRs, IG Officers, and Trustees
Two Minute Shares for Questions and Comments
Next meeting: June 12, 2016 5-6pm
Topic: Answer questions raised at this meeting, continue to explore necessary service structure to support the meetings and IG.
At 6:07pm, closed with the Responsibility Pledge & the “We” version of the Serenity Prayer.
“I am responsible…when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help I want the hand of GSA always to be there. And for that – I am responsible.”
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen in MI
It has been our policy to record and report only passed motions.