“This we owe to GSA’s future; to place our common welfare first, to keep our Fellowship united. For on GSA unity depend our lives, and the lives of those to come.”
Meeting was held (July 12, 2015). Opened with the Unity Pledge, Serenity Prayer and reading of the 12 Traditions.
In Attendance:
- 8 GSRs & Officers
- 2 PBIG Trustees
- 2 Attendees
Treasurer’s Report for the June 2015 activities:
- Beginning Balance = $3,625.17
- Deposits = $281
- Ending Balance = $3,906.17
Website Committee Report:
Nan from LA reports that our new method for returning call requests from website visitors is going well and has not been overwhelming. Everyone is receiving return calls.
Motions Passed:
- Accepted minutes from June meeting as written
- Accepted treasurer’s report.
It came to our attention that the former Sunday 7AM meeting treasurer mistakenly sent their prudent reserve to the Intergroup treasurer rather than to their own new Sunday 7 AM treasurer. That mistake is being corrected and the $200 will be sent to the new 7AM treasurer.
- Next Intergroup Meeting
- Sunday, August 9th @ 5 PM – 6 PM EST
- Call 712-432-5229 Pin = 4320188#
- All are welcome, please join us
- Next Tradition Meeting
- Sunday, August 9th @ 4 – 4:45 EST
- Call 712-432-5229 Pin = 4320188#
- All are welcome, we study the Tradition of the month
- Open Service positions:
- Receiving Treasurer (2 years back to back abstinence) with 2 year commitment
- 3 Trustees (3 year back to back abstinence) with a 3 year commitment.
- Happily, there has been some interest expressed in these positions. If you are interested, please contact Joy, Reggie, or Sandy from Indiana.
Closed with the Responsibility Pledge & the “We” version of the Serenity Prayer.
“I am responsible…when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help I want the hand of GSA always to be there. And for that – I am responsible.”