GSA Phone Bridge Intergroup Meeting Agenda
January 13, 2019
5-6pm EST
712-432-5229; 4320188#
“This we owe to GSA’s future; to place our common welfare first, to keep our Fellowship united. For on GSA unity depend our lives, and the lives of those to come.”
Meeting will be held on January 13, 2019; 5-6pm EST on the Phone Number and Pin above.
Open with the Unity Pledge, Serenity Prayer and reading of the 12 Traditions.
In Attendance: ____ GSRs
____PBIG Trustees and Officers
Motion: Accept the Treasurer’s reports as posted on the website.
Motion: Accept the minutes from the previous IG Meeting as posted on the website.
Old Business:
- Request by two GSRs to clarify the process of electing trustees. Suggest that this be handled by the SMC when it reconvenes.
New Business:
Motion: The GSA Phone Bridge will use any funds collected for attendance at the 2019 WSC as follows:
- Send two ISRs (to be selected by the groups from among the GSA Phone Bridge Trustees – as IG officers).
- Disburse the remaining funds equally between any elected GSRs who will attend to represent their groups.
NEW TOPIC: GSA Phone Bridge-related announcements. Are IG-related announcements too long (e.g., marathon announcements; IG trustee elections; WSC conference attendance announcements)?
NEW TOPIC: In preparation for the WSC, do we want to hold weekly meetings to inform any interested members in the numerous motions to be voted on at the conference. Kathleen H. would be willing to meet with any interested members on Friday mornings 6:30am to 7:30am on the IG phone number and pin.
Two Minute Shares for Comments
If you have additional new business please e-mail us at with any new items you would like to discuss at the IG level. Only items that affect the phone bridge are discussed at the IG level.
Close with the Responsibility Pledge & the “We” version of the Serenity Prayer.
“I am responsible…when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help I want the hand of GSA always to be there. And