GSA Phone Bridge Intergroup Meeting Agenda
April 19, 2020
5-6pm EST
712-432-5229; 4320188#
“This we owe to GSA’s future; to place our common welfare first, to keep our Fellowship united. For on GSA unity depend our lives, and the lives of those to come.”
Open with the Unity Pledge, Serenity Prayer and reading of the 12 Traditions.
In Attendance: ____ GSRs
____PBIG Trustees and Officers
Motion: to accept the Treasurer’s reports as posted and described.
Motion: to accept the minutes from the previous IG Meeting as posted and described.
Motion: that the Phone Bridge Marathons would be adjusted to conform to our meeting schedule (e.g., begin at 5:30am and end at 10pm).
Old Business:
- Amending the announcement section of the formats (present 1 month ahead of time to groups to discuss).
- Motion from the Phone Bridge Intergroup to the WSC of using video conferencing for our WSC.
New Business:
- Brief announcement about the postponement of the 2020 WSC to 2021.
- Talking about adding a page to our website on the history of the phone bridge intergroup.
Do the phone bridge meetings wish to amend the donation announcement section of the formats?
Do the phone bridge meetings wish to amend the announcement section of the formats?
Two Minute Shares for Comments
Proposed Format Change:
The 7th Tradition states that every group should be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions. We have no dues or fees, but we do have expenses. Our 2020 budget is available at Please consider contributing as you would when attending a live meeting. To make general contributions, contact Linda from LA, at 310-245-6441. To support sending world service delegates to the 2021 conference, contact Joey at (631) 664-7700. You can also donate electronically by going to our website and clicking on Donations.
If you have additional new business please e-mail us at with any new items you would like to discuss at the IG level. Only items that affect the phone bridge are discussed at the IG level.
Close with the Responsibility Pledge & the “We” version of the Serenity Prayer.
“I am responsible…when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help I want the hand of GSA always to be there. And for that – I am responsible.”