GSA Phone Bridge Intergroup Agenda – Aug 10
5-6pm EDT
712-432-5229; 4320188#
“This we owe to GSA’s future; to place our common welfare first, to keep our Fellowship united. For on GSA unity depend our lives, and the lives to come.”
- Open with the Declaration of Unity Prayer, the Serenity Prayer, and the reading of the 12 Traditions
- Identifying GSRs present.
- Approval of the July, 2014 Intergroup Meeting Minutes
- Acceptance of treasurer’s report as stated.
- Announcements:
- Traditions meeting will be from 4-4:45 PM before the regular PBIG meeting each month
- Next Open Intergroup meeting: Sept 14, 2014; 5-6:00 pm EST
5. Committee Reports
- Finance/Incorporation (Treasurer’s Report)
- Website Committee
- Structure Committee
6. Open Discussion Topic (using AA Sharing Format-2 min. timed shares):
Old Business: Leaderless meetings and motions for actions to take to strengthen them (see Minutes for suggestions)
New Business: request for money from Phone Bridge Intergroup to send GSRs to the World Service Conference (requested by Monday 7A Meeting.)
As a reminder, we would like to remind all those attending the GSA Open Phone Bridge Intergroup meeting that we have decided to use the AA “Sharing Session” approach for all topics of discussion. For each topic, a member may speak for up to two minutes. No one will speak more than once per topic until all members have shared at least one time. Please be respectful of this approach. The purpose is to allow all voices to be heard in order to see if we have substantial unanimity on a topic. Our open sharing sessions are not necessarily attempting to reach substantial unanimity at this time.
7. Close with the “I am responsible…” prayer and the “WE” version of the Serenity Prayer
“I am responsible…when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help. I want the hand of GSA always to be there. And for that; I am responsible”