GSA Phone Bridge Intergroup Meeting Minutes
Download Printable Copy Meeting Minutes for October 24, 2021
GSA Phone Bridge Intergroup Meeting Minutes
October 24th, 2021
3-4 pm EST
The meeting opened at 3 PM by Debra L., with the “We” version of the Serenity Prayer and reading of the 12 Traditions.
Unity Pledge was not read: It was explained that the A.A. Unity Statement can no longer be part of the GSA PB IG business meeting format, per adoption of Resolution 9 at the World Service Conference on 10/17/21. (Details below)
GSRs: 4
Trustees: 3
Listeners: 2
GSAWS Board Liaison: 1
Motion to accept the August 2021 Treasurer’s report as posted on the website. Motion was made, seconded, and passed.
Motion to accept the minutes from the July PB IG meeting as posted. Motion was made, seconded, and passed.
- Open Board Positions: The Phone Bridge Trustees are currently looking to fill these positions on our Board immediately: Chairperson and Secretary. The Reporting Treasurer position will not be open until August 2022 but new Treasurer could begin training immediately. Descriptions of the positions are posted on the website.
- Change to formats: At the 2021 GreySheeters Anonymous World Service Conference, Resolution 9, “The Board of Trustees moves that GSA World Service adopt GSA Use of A.A Intellectual Property and GSA Terminology” was adopted. (See GreySheeters Anonymous World Service Conference 2021 Resoltuions, page. 12,
- Affects the section in our format under Day Counts and Milestones:
“We have found a common solution upon which we can absolutely agree and which we can join in brotherly and harmonious action, that common solution for us is GreySheet abstinence. Members with 90 days or less of GreySheet abstinence, please identify yourself by name and tell us your day count so that we may acknowledge you” must be changed to omit the content in bold that is taken from the AA Big Book.
- Edited wording will read as follows:
“We have found a common solution, which for us is GreySheet abstinence. Members with 90 days or less of GreySheet abstinence, please identify yourself by name and tell us your day count so that we may acknowledge you. “
- Formats to be updated, posted to, and an announcement sent via email. We ask that all meeting leaders download and use the updated formats.
- Unity Pledge:
- Per Resolution 9, GSA can no longer use, or adapt, A.A. Unity Statement
- There might be discussion in the future to create our own Unity Pledge
New Business:
- Reporting Treasurer Cathy B. presented the 2022 Proposed Budget. (Budget available at
- Phone Bridge treasury fulfills our primary purpose: to help the compulsive eater to achieve abstinence.
- 2021 donations are currently behind budget
- 2022 budget is increase of $1119 over last year’s budget
- Phone Bridge receives very few donations each month (about 10)
- Members are asked to donate to the Phone Bridge as for in-person meetings.
- Donate by check by contacting Linda L. or via PayPal (Click Donate button on
- Groups that hold prudent reserve and have no expenses are asked to consider donating to PB
- Contact Trustees with any questions before next IG meeting, so budget can be approved at that meeting.
. 2. Trustees presented the 2022 slate of Phone Bridge IG Board of Trustees:
Chair: OPEN
Reporting Treasurer: Cathy B., NY State (will be rotating out in 2022)
Receiving Treasurer: Linda L., CA
Secretary: OPEN
Website Liaison: Joanie, SC
Moderator Liaison: Phyllis E., CT
AM Marathon Liaison: Tasha, NJ
PM Marathon Liaison: Patricia, MA
Old Business that was tabled from the July Intergroup Meeting:
- Discussion of adding a page on PB history to website:
- Meetings represented by attending GSRs voted yes to include
- Trustees will work with the former PB Chair to create a draft of this material
- Draft will be posted to website in December so meetings can vote on before January IG
- Responsibility Statement/Pledge:
- Adopted by 2021 World Service Conference (see below).
- Groups can now vote on whether or not to include it in this IG meeting format.
- Individual groups (Per Tradition 4) might decide if they wish to use the Responsibility Pledge in their meetings.
If you have additional new business please e-mail us at with any new items you would like to discuss at the IG level. Only items that affect the Phone Bridge are discussed at the IG level.
The next Intergroup meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 9, 2022, at 3:00 pm EST.
Close with the Responsibility Pledge & the “We” version of the Serenity Prayer.
Responsibility Pledge [as adopted at 2021 World Service Conference]
“When anyone, anywhere, realizes they have a problem with food, I want them to think of the GreySheet solution. For that, I am responsible.”
Serenity Prayer