GSA Phone Bridge Intergroup Meeting
October 11, 2020; 5-6pm EST; 712-432-5229; 4320188#
“This we owe to GSA’s future; to place our common welfare first, to keep our Fellowship united. For on GSA unity depend our lives, and the lives of those to come.”
Opened at 5:02 pm with the Unity Pledge (above), Serenity Prayer and reading of the 12 Traditions.
Attendance: 5 PBIG Trustees (Nancy, Phyllis, Cathy, Kathleen, Debra, Eunice) and 7 or 8 members
MOTION made, seconded, and passed: to approve the minutes from our July meeting (which was held on August 8).
MOTION made, seconded, and passed: to approve the treasurer’s reports from the second quarter.
- Service rotation: Two open Board positions have been filled: Tasha and Eunice accepted the newly created AM and PM Marathon Liaison positions. Tasha is AM Marathon Liaison; Eunice is Marathon Liaison.
- Trustees are currently looking to fill one position on our Board. We need one person to become Chair in 2021. No one volunteered on the meeting. Trustees decided on the following statement that can be made as an announcement by any member in meetings: “If you have three years of back-to-back GreySheet abstinence and are interested in the Chair position, or if you want to suggest someone, please contact us at “
- The 2021 slate of PB Board of Trustees will be offered by GSRs for a vote. This list, along with the 2021 proposed budget, will be offered at business meetings for individual groups’ vote. If there is no Chair we will list the position as not yet filled.
- There will be a 2-hour GSA Forum next Saturday October 17 to hear reports from the various WSC committees on how their work is progressing, as well as an hour of responses/questions/answers to the GreySheet Abstinence and Clarification: Sponsor Guidelines that was issued in September. Zoom information was given.
- Formats have been updated to include the revised 7th Tradition announcement that was decided on at the July IG meeting (removing Joey from announcement and making Linda the receiving treasurer for both operating budget and delegate budget). Those formats are all available at and announcement was made in meetings about them.
- We voted to create an announcement to be read in meetings regarding our budget to inform all groups of the details of what we spend our money on. Cathy volunteered to write up a draft of this and send it to Board members for approval.
Business tabled until January meeting:
- Discussion of adding a page to our website on the history of the Phone Bridge Intergroup.
- Discussion of announcing the GS Daily Reflections workshops.
- Using the newly adopted GSA Responsibility Pledge rather than the AA Responsibility Pledge.
October Trustee Meeting will be October 18, 2020 at 5-6 PM on the IG line – focus will be implementing rotation of service and approving 2021 Proposed Budget.
Next Intergroup meeting is Sunday, January 10, 2021 at 3 PM EST. All are welcome.
Closed at 6:02 pm with the “We” version of the Serenity Prayer.
“I am responsible…when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help I want the hand of GSA always to be there. And for that – I am responsible.”