Download PDF version of Intergroup Minutes
“This we owe to GSA’s future; to place our common welfare first, to keep our Fellowship united. For on GSA unity depend our lives, and the lives of those to come.”
Meeting was held (date, time). Opened with the Unity Pledge, Serenity Prayer and reading of the 12 Traditions.
In Attendance: __11_ GSRs & Officers
__4__PBIG Trustees
Treasurer’s Report:
- Beginning Balance = $4,147.17 9/1/2015
- Monthly contributions = + 36.00
- Ending Balance = $4,183.17 9/30/2015
Meetings of Concern Report:
Last month, in our continuing concern re: 11PM Eastern having leaderless meetings, Kevin from LA volunteered to check in on those meetings over the month and would report back. Apparently, only the Wednesday 11 PM Eastern meeting has a leader and continues to operate as a strong meeting.
Motions Passed:
- Motion to remove the following 11 PM Eastern meetings from the schedule on our website: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Thursday has already been removed. The Intergroup Chair was directed to and has notified the website.
- The Intergroup held an AA Sharing Session and decided to continue the discussion by bringing the topic back to the groups.
- For purposes of unity, the Intergroup motioned that the entire topic be placed in these minutes so that each GSR can read it exactly as written when presenting the topic.
- Some folks have expressed concern that business meetings, especially with a big topic, can consume an enormous amounts of time, and all week long. In the past, the 5:30 AM meetings held separate discussion time either before or after the regular meeting. Each time slot can do whatever their group conscience is; that’s up to them, not the Intergroup.
- Further, the Intergroup has hosted Information or Sharing Sessions as needed when requested to do so and can again.
Below is the Topic in full:
October, 2015 Discussion Topic
Now that our meetings are well covered, our expenses are clearly defined, and our appropriate cash flow is set aside, we can turn our attention to the upcoming World Service Conference. Here are some opening brainstorming questions:
- How do we integrate the Phone Bridge as a whole into the World Service structure?
- How do we represent the Phone Bridge as a whole at the upcoming Conference?
- By providing teleconferencing services?
- By sending Intergroup Service Representatives?
Some individual meetings have chosen to send their own GSRs (Group Service Representatives). That position represents and reflects the Group Conscience of that particular meeting, for example, Thursday 10 AM.
We could choose to send one or two ISRs (Intergroup Service Representatives) whose responsibility would be to represent and reflect the Group Conscience of the entire phone bridge. This would increase our representation without diminishing the service work of the individual GSRs.
- How do we discern Group Conscience of the Phone Bridge as a whole?
This is just a beginning. Rest assured that we will give this project all the due diligence and respect it deserves.
- The Intergroup directed the Trustees to draw up the new Donations / Treasurer announcement. It will be sent out shortly.
- Next Intergroup Meeting Sunday, November 8, 2015 @ 5 PM – 6 PM EST
Call 712-432-5229 Pin = 4320188#
All are welcome, please join us
- Next Tradition Meeting Sunday, November 8, 2015 @ 4 – 4:45 EST
Call 712-432-5229 Pin = 4320188#
All are welcome, we study the Tradition of the month
Closed with the Responsibility Pledge & the “We” version of the Serenity Prayer.
“I am responsible…when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help I want the hand of GSA always to be there. And for that – I am responsible.”
It has been our policy to record and report only passed motions.