GSA Phone Bridge Intergroup Meeting AGENDA
July 9, 2023
3-4 pm EST
Printable Agenda
Intergroup meeting phone number: 712-432-5229, passcode 4320188#
Serenity Prayer
Twelve Traditions
Carrying Group’s vote:
Meeting attendees identify themselves and give their service position: Trustee, GSR, listener, or person who is carrying their group’s vote.
Motion to accept the May 2023 Treasurer’s report as posted on the website.
Motion to accept the minutes from the May 7, 2023, PB IG meeting as posted on the website.
New Business
- Linda L stepping down as of July 31. Receiving Treasurer position now becomes Assistant Treasurer. Asst Treas. will assist Reporting Treasurer (Joyce S) by receiving checks, keeping a record of them, and sending them to Joyce for deposit. Amy C. from CA has volunteered to take this position. Motion needed to vote her in.
- All formats to get all or some of the following updates; updated formats to be posted to our phone bridge website by August 1.
- Note added to sponsor section regarding temporary sponsors (wording was approved at the March IG meeting):” If you can be a permanent sponsor or can get someone started until they find a permanent sponsor, please state your name and phone number slowly.”
- Add point to Meeting Guidelines regarding using *1 to mute, not the muting function on their phones (so dashboard person can quickly identify a disrupter)
- Change to Seventh Tradition announcement, to reflect the change noted above. We will no longer include the treasurer’s name and phone number in our announcement; rather we will direct everyone to our website, where there will be info on where checks can be sent, as well as the Donate button for PayPal donations. “The Seventh Tradition states there are no dues or fees for GSA membership, However, we are self-supporting through our own contributions. To make a donation via check or PayPal, go to our phone bridge IG website, and click on DONATE.” The rest of the Seventh Tradition announcement stays the same.
Business Tabled from the last meeting:
- Disruptions in meetings involving the meeting leader: If there are problems within a meeting that involve the leader (that is, the leader is the source of the problem) then it is OK for a member or members of the group to courteously ask for the leader to stick to the format. If leader does not comply, OK for group to hold immediate Group Conscience on how to proceed.
- Groups who would like to be represented at IG meetings but who do not have a GSR, may appoint a meeting member with 90 days of back-to-back GS abstinence to carry their vote to the next IG meeting (can be a different meeting member each time). This means that someone looks at the agenda and reports any topics to be discussed or to be voted on at that next IG meeting.
- Announcements portion of meetings: Concern from members that there are too many announcements during the meetings. Takes too much time, and some of these announcements are not specific to PB IG. One way to reduce announcements time is to give abbreviated announcements only and refer people to our website. Especially Marathon info. Include only abbreviated announcements. (The Phone Bridge Christmas Marathon is coming up. For more info, go to our website” )The details would then appear in full on our website.
- A few members have suggested recording marathon speakers and making these recordings available. Our website does not have this capability; GSAWS posts its speaker recordings on YouTube. How would it work? Should marathon speakers be recorded (if they agree to it)? Cathy to consult with GSAWS regarding PB using the GSAWS YouTube account and how to go about posting them there.
If you have additional new business for our next meeting, please email us at at least one week PRIOR to the next IG meeting with any new items you would like to discuss at the IG level. Only items that affect the Phone Bridge are discussed at the IG level.
The next Intergroup meeting is scheduled for Sunday, September 10, 2023, at 3:00 pm EST.
Close with the Responsibility Pledge & the “We” version of the Serenity Prayer.
Responsibility Pledge
“When anyone, anywhere, realizes they have a problem with food, I want them to think of the GreySheet solution. For that, I am responsible.”
Serenity Prayer