Intergroup meeting phone number: 712-432-5229, passcode 4320188#
Click here for a printable copy of the Agenda.
Open with the “We” version of the Serenity Prayer and reading of the 12 Traditions.
ISR ________
Carrying group’s vote________
Meeting attendees identify themselves and give their service position: Trustee, GSR, listener, or person who is carrying their group’s vote.
Motion to accept the December Treasurer’s reports as posted on the website.
Motion to accept the minutes from the November IG Meeting as posted.
ANNOUNCEMENT– Service givers are urgently needed
The PBIG Board of Trustees has at least 3 open positions that need to be filled as soon as possible. The chair position is open as of January 15 and will now be a position for two co-chairs (3 years GS abstinence requirement). The AM Marathon Liaison position is unoccupied at the moment given Mary’s illness and we are also trying to fill the PM Marathon Liaison position. (2 years GS abstinence requirements. Please let your groups know that chairs and liaisons do the work of the phone bridge, including marathons. These are things that people take for granted and they will not get done unless eligible service givers step forward.
Topics to be further discussed from September and November – Bold italicized lettering is from November’s discussion
- GSRs for a series of meetings (example: daily 5:30 am Meetings – one GSR) – Discussion: Suggestions were made to reference the GSR Tool Kit on the website, which brought up the question of whether or not the Tool Kit needs revision. Jessica and Donna volunteered to update the GSR Tool Kit.
Part of the revision process would be to check if PB GSRs qualifications and responsibilities are in-line with the GSAWS GSRs. These GSRs could have Business meetings quarterly; however, when concerns were raised about how to fill all service positions (leaders and bookers) quarterly, it was suggested to have the Business Meetings on the last day of the month and fill positions for meetings of all 7 days, same time slot (for example, 5:30am, 7 am, 10 am, 9 pm), at that time. There was concern that there aren’t enough people who will volunteer for these positions, but one meeting attendee said that in another 12-step program, she attends, this monthly business meeting approach has worked effectively, with no problem with getting volunteers. Discussion proceeded on this topic with the suggestions of either 1 GSR per time slot or a team of 2 GSRs per time slot.
- Meeting Leader Training – Discussion: Concerns that people aren’t using updated formats could be addressed by suggesting that new leaders check for updated formats. New leaders could also be politely texted to address current format changes. Former leaders could train newly rotating leaders by going over the format with them. The Business Meeting format could include a list of “need to know items” for incoming leaders, including a suggestion that all leaders sign up for News and Updates on the website. Our GSRs could check with their meeting leaders to make certain that correct formats are used. CJ volunteered to update the Meeting Leader Tool Kit
- Make the announcement portion of the meeting shorter – Discussion: It was suggested to make Phone Bridge announcements only – no announcements about Zoom, in-person meetings, including retreats. Only OK to make a short reference and direct people to Events on the World Service website. We could also make a short announcement and reference our website for more information. This was discussed and it was once again requested that announcements be shortened and to announce ‘Please refer to our website for details.’ This is to be further discussed in the January Intergroup Meeting.
- Recording Marathon Speakers. Tabled from the November meeting.
- Vote to approve the 2024 Phone Bridge IG budget
- Vote for new AM Marathon Liaison – Joanie from S.C. has volunteered.
- A suggestion has been forwarded to allow a signup period for Marathon speakers before positions are filled by the Marathon Coordinators. Katie L.
- A suggestion has been forwarded to change our format from: We do not mention specific foods by name.
To: We do not mention specific foods by name, and we refrain from describing them beyond using generic terms like sugar, grains, starches, and carbohydrates. Lori K., Peggy S.
- Discuss annual donation and bequest limits per person. FYI the GSA World Service limits are $6,000.00 and $8,000.00 respectively. Lori K.
If you have additional New Business, please email us at at least two weeks PRIOR to the next Intergroup meeting with any new items you would like to discuss. The next Intergroup meeting is scheduled for Sunday, March 10, 2024, at 3:00 pm.
Close with the Responsibility Pledge & the “We” version of the Serenity Prayer.
Responsibility Pledge “When anyone, anywhere, realizes they have a problem with food, I want them to think of the GreySheet solution. For that, I am responsible.”
Serenity Prayer